International Consortium

CGHDS International Consortium

The CGHDS International Consortium is an inclusive platform dedicated to advancing gender, humanitarian, and development studies on a global scale. Within this consortium, we offer various avenues for knowledge exchange and collaboration:


Promoting gender and humanitarian values is one of the core work areas of CGHDS. Hence, the CGHDS International Consortium through its International Conferences, Webinar and Lecture Series aims to bring awareness of pressing global challenges on gender, humanitarian and development issues to the concerned public and civil society in Nigeria, with a focus on how each individual can contribute to resolving such challenges. It also offers an intellectual anchor for the work of Government MDAs and CSOs on gender, humanitarian and development concerns and as well as a mechanism to channel current thinking and research into policy-making.

The Consortium is unique in that, although its three major programmes (International conferences, Webinar and the Lecture Series) will be organized and hosted by the Centre for Gender, Humanitarian and Development Studies (CGHDS), Redeemer’s University, Ede, Nigeria, they will be open not only to the academic Communities but also to diplomatic communities and anyone interested in and concerned with the topics discussed. The audience has an opportunity to raise questions and engage in discussions with authoritative speakers.

The International Conferences will be hosted once in three years while the Webinar and Lecture Series will be held biannually, that is twice a year. The Consortium was conceived to promote public interest and understanding of gender and humanitarian activities, locally and abroad. The lectures are co-developed by CGHDS and its partners (as part of our enduring efforts in humanitarian diplomacy. The Grand Patron of the Consortium is Mr Benedict Alabi, former Deputy Governor of Osun State, Nigeria.


The CGHDS International Consortium serves as an all-encompassing platform, encouraging active participation in enriching discussions and attending technical workshops covering various crucial areas:

Upcoming Events

  1. Launch of CGHDS’ Consortium
    • Inaugural Webinar Title: Promoting Women’s Political Participation From Quotas to Parity - A Guide to Legal Options for the West and Central Africa Region
  2. International Conferences - Once in Three Years
  3. CGHDS Webinar on other Specialized Issues
    • Gender issues in Governance, Politics and electioneering
    • Humanitarian Issues
    • Implementation of the International Humanitarian Law in Nigeria
    • Developing the global economy in a sustainable manner
    • Strengthening international cooperation over disarmament and nonproliferation
    • Humanitarian Diplomacy in Action
    • Grand Bargain - An agenda for humanity
    • The Charter for Change in the humanitarian system
    • Operationalizing the Core Humanitarian Standards on Quality and Accountability (CHS) in Nigeria
  4. Public Lecture Series on Migration, Refugee Crises and Humanitarian Detention
    • Responding to Humanitarian Concerns in Detention: An ICRC Perspective
    • Immigration and Intellectual Property
    • The cultural narrative of refugee detentions
    • Addressing Large Movement of Refugees and Migrants
    • Strengthening international cooperation over immigration control
    • Drugs and Crime: Preventing narcotic drugs trafficking and crime
  5. Public Lecture Series on Gender, Conflict and Peace-Building
    • Promoting Peace and Security
    • Terrorism, Disarmament and non-proliferation
    • Promoting conflict prevention and
    • Conflict Resolution: Enhancing peaceful conflict resolution mechanisms
    • Fighting against terrorism
    • Eradicating extreme poverty
    • Protecting biodiversity
    • Increasing the development and use of renewable energy
    • Advocating human rights
    • Fostering cultural diversity
    • Promoting gender equality
    • Protecting intellectual property
  6. Public Leacture Series on Humanitarian Action and Disaster Risk Management: Global Policies, Guidelines and Current Debates
    • Lessons from Disaster: The Strength of the Human Spirit
    • Paradoxes & Paradigms - Disability and Humanitarian Assistance
    • Humanitarian Action in a Volatile World
    • Enhancing humanitarian and disaster relief efforts
    • Climate Change: Curbing climate change
    • Environment: Protecting the environment
    • Global Policies in Humanitarian Action
    • Duties to One’s Own Population and Combatants in War: is there an “Internal” Humanitarian Law?
    • UN IASC Guidelines on Mental Health and Psychosocial Support in Humanitarian Settings
    • IASC Guidelines on Gender-Based Violence in Humanitarian Settings
    • IASC Guidelines on Accountability to Affected Populations
    • IASC Standard Operating Procedures for Humanitarian System-Wide Scale-Up Activation
    • Challenges to Scaling Innovation in the Humanitarian Sector
    • Localization Agenda and Its Operationalization
    • Are Development Approaches and Climate Change Denial Mutually Consistent?
    • Can South-South Cooperation be Successful in the Changing Geo-Politics Climate?
    • Global Policies, IASC Guidelines & Current Debates in Humanitarian Action
  7. Public Leacture Series on Humanitarianism
    • State of the Humanitarian System
    • Humanitarian Action and Disaster Risk Management
    • Recovery from Hazards, Disaster Risk and Climate Change
    • Towards a Policy Initiative for Humanitarianism in Nigeria
    • Disasters: Redefining Disasters in Nigerian Context
    • Managing Humanitarian Logistics
    • Managing the Risks of Extreme Events and Disasters to Advance Climate Change Adaptation
  8. A series of Roundtable Discussions on Global Security Crisis, Humanitarian Access and Global Protection
    • Tagged: A CGHDS ‘Access and Protection’ Webinar Series.
    • Theme: ‘Access that Protects’
    • Side Events:
      • A peer exchange on advocacy in protracted crises for communities living under Non-State Armed Groups (NSAG) control
      • A public event with a panel discussion exploring different tensions and opportunities linked to access and advocacy
    • Publication Series Tagged: Beyond Trucks, Access That Protects: A Global Protection Update with a thematic focus on access and protection
    • Organizer: To be hosted by CGHDS in collaboration with Technical experts at the global level such as
      • the Overseas Development Institute (ODI), a frontline practitioners
      • the Centre of Competence on Humanitarian Negotiation (CCHN)
      • with the UK’s Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO)
  9. Global Humanitarian Health Lecture Series
    • Topics Include:
      • Combating against HIV/AIDS
      • Principles of humanitarian public health
    • Purpose: This lecture will outline the health consequences of different crises and introduce key principles for humanitarian action to reduce excess morbidity and mortality and restore disrupted health systems. We will focus mainly on armed conflicts and displaced populations.
    • Resource Persons: The Global Health Lecture Series is held with leading experts on a range of global health issues.
    • Time: Each lecture is 45-60 minutes, followed by a Q&A
    • Participants: They are open to all students as well as anyone interested in learning more about global health.
  10. Commenoration of International day for Disaster Reduction & humanitarian Public Lecture/Induction of Fellows
    • Activities:
      • Humanitarian Public Lecture/Induction of Fellows
      • Commemoration of the International Day for Disaster Reduction on the 13th of October in Collaboration with the National Orientation Agency (NOA) and the Osun State Red Cross Society
    • Themes: e.g. ”Promoting the culture of Humanitarianism and Volunteerism; Imperative for National Development”.
    • Guest Speaker
    • Date and time
    • Hybrid Event
    • Location
    • Disaster resilience in response to catastrophic weather events and other natural and man-made disasters requires international cooperation in the form of Official Development Aid (ODA) as well as capacity building.


  1. A compendium of lectures
  2. Publication Series Tagged: Beyond Trucks, Access That Protects: A Global Protection Update with a thematic focus on access and protection

Special Programme

    • Learn about blood donation and how you can save lives.
  2. Youth Leadership Humanitarian Camp
    • The CGHDS in collaboration with Osun State Red Cross (OSRC) organises Youth Humanitarian Leadership Camps every year, aimed at grooming the youth to become humanitarian leaders of tomorrow.