RUN Sickle Cell+ Club

RUN Sickle Cell+ Club

The 'RUN Sickle Cell+' Club is a nonprofit organization under the Centre for Gender, Humanitarian and Development Studies is dedicated to raising awareness, providing support, and fostering a sense of community for individuals and families affected by sickle cell disease and other genetic disorders. Founded by a group of individuals that were passionate about health, the club aims to improve quality of life for those impacted and work towards a future free from the burden of genetic diseases.

'RUN Sickle Cell+' Club aimed at creating a safe and inclusive space where individuals with sickle cell disease and other genetic disorders can find support, share experiences, and access valuable resources. The club endeavours to enhance public understanding and knowledge of these conditions, combat misconceptions, and advocate for increased research and funding to improve treatment options.


  1. Awareness and Education
  2. Support and Empowerment
  3. Fundraising and Advocacy
  4. Community Building
  5. Collaboration and Partnerships

Founding and Growth

The 'RUN Sickle Cell+' Club was established in April 2009 under the name Redeemer’s University Sickle Cell Area Club at the Redeemer’s University, RCCG Camp Ground, Move, Ogun State. Initially, the club began with a small group of individuals meeting regularly to discuss their challenges and hopes. As word spread, more passionate people with interest in sickle cell disease and other genetic disorders joined, leading to the club's growth.

Through determined efforts, collaboration with healthcare professionals, and support from the community, the club expanded its reach and impact. It attracted volunteers, donors, and partners who shared the same vision, contributing to the club's ability to carry out its mission effectively.

In commemorating the 2023 World Sickle Cell Day the club on the 19 th of June in collaboration with the University Health Centre held a hybrid (virtual and physical) campaign with the theme – Building and Strengthening the Global Sickle Cell Society which was greatly attended.

The 'RUN Sickle Cell+' Club stands as a testament to the strength of community and the power of compassion. It serves as a guiding light for individuals and families affected by sickle cell disease and other genetic disorders, providing them with the necessary resources, support, and hope. As the club continues to grow, its unwavering dedication to its mission will undoubtedly bring positive change, not only in the lives of those it touches directly but also in the broader understanding and awareness of genetic diseases within society. Together, they run towards a future free from the burdens of genetic disorders, united in their pursuit of health, happiness, and a better tomorrow.